Know the world: learn debate and buy stocks.
Love people, but most importantly yourself
Get a pet
Be reflective, ask people and yourself
Solo travel, you will see kindness around the world
Learn other language
Put your ideas out there, you may find your like-minded people
Learn to let go
Know mundane things that made you happy
Be assertive, communicate your disappointment
Your life grows around decisions that you made
Love people, use stuff, not vice versa
Take a rest
Humans, you and other people are complex, have enough empathy for them
Forgive your parents
Archive your achievements
Menghalalkan cara yang halal, know your value and stay true to them
Embrace imperfections, excellence consists of some failure and its lessons learned
Find your flow, sholat is mainly a 'structure' of your life
Love your body, and only love can hurt like gym
Make yourself your own reference point
Comparison is the thief of joy, but reference is good
ASK FOR IT, if you want it
A job may last a year or two, but a career is long-term, you are forever
Take care of yourself
Learn that grief is humane
Learn to give and receive appreciation genuinely
Discipline had many forms (including nocturnal)
Your work is not you, but part of you